“Commission” means the person designated as the Personal Data Protection Commission under section 5 to be responsible for the administration of this Act;
(2) The Personal Data Protection Commission is responsible for the administration of this Act.
“foreign data protection body” means a body in whom there are vested functions under the law of another country or territory with respect to the enforcement or the administration of provisions of law of that country or territory concerning data protection;
(b) are, in relation to their administration, assessment, collection or enforcement of payment of composition sums under this Act, deemed to be public officers for the purposes of the Financial Procedure Act (Cap. 109); and section 20 of that Act applies to these individuals even though they are not or were not in the employment of the Government.
(l) any other matter relating to the establishment, operation or administration of the register;
(1) The Data Protection Appeal Panel shall consist of not more than 30 members appointed, from time to time, by the Minister on the basis of their ability and experience in industry, commerce or administration or their professional qualifications or their suitability otherwise for appointment.