(1) Subject to sections 6 to 9, every organization shall comply with the obligations set out in Schedule 1.
The designation of an individual under clause 4.1 of Schedule 1 does not relieve the organization of the obligation to comply with the obligations set out in that Schedule.
(c) required to comply with a subpoena or warrant issued or an order made by a court, person or body with jurisdiction to compel the production of information, or to comply with rules of court relating to the production of records;
(3) An organization shall comply with the terms of any agreement into which it enters under paragraph (1)(a) or (2)(a).
(2.1) An organization shall comply with subsection (2.2) if an individual requests that the organization
(2.3) Within thirty days after the day on which it is notified under subsection (2.2), the institution or part shall notify the organization whether or not the institution or part objects to the organization complying with the request. The institution or part may object only if the institution or part is of the opinion that compliance with the request could reasonably be expected to be injurious to
(2.4) Despite clause 4.9 of Schedule 1, if an organization is notified under subsection (2.3) that the institution or part objects to the organization complying with the request, the organization
(a) order an organization to correct its practices in order to comply with Divisions 1 and 1.1;
(2) If the Commissioner is of the opinion that an organization is not complying with the terms of a compliance agreement, the Commissioner shall notify the organization and may apply to the Court for
(a) an order requiring the organization to comply with the terms of the agreement, in addition to any other remedies it may give; or
(c) encourage organizations to develop detailed policies and practices, including organizational codes of practice, to comply with Divisions 1 and 1.1; and
The organization shall document the purposes for which personal information is collected in order to comply with the Openness principle (Clause 4.8) and the Individual Access principle (Clause 4.9).