Jenkins before versions 2.44, 2.32.2 is vulnerable to an insufficient permission check for periodic processes (SECURITY-389). The URLs /workspaceCleanup and /fingerprintCleanup did not perform permission checks, allowing users with read access to Jenkins to trigger these background processes (that are otherwise performed daily), possibly causing additional load on Jenkins master and agents.
Jenkins before versions 2.44 and 2.32.2 is vulnerable to an insufficient permission check. This allows users with permissions to create new items (e.g. jobs) to overwrite existing items they don't have access to (SECURITY-321).
The Config File Provider Plugin is used to centrally manage configuration files that often include secrets, such as passwords. Users with only Overall/Read access to Jenkins were able to access URLs directly that allowed viewing these files. Access to view these files now requires sufficient permissions to configure the provided files, view the configuration of the folder in which the configuration files are defined, or have Job/Configure permissions to a job able to use these files.