New York State cybersecurity strategy Aug 2023

Foreword by Governor Kathy Hochul | 1
Foreword by Governor
Kathy Hochul
As Governor of New York State, I am proud to present our first-ever cybersecurity strategy. Cybersecurity and
resilience are not just technical issues; they are essential to public safety and economic security.
This strategy unifies New York State’s cybersecurity services, functions, and operations to better protect
our critical infrastructure, personal information, and digital assets from malicious actors. It also provides a
framework for aligning the actions and resources of both public and private New York stakeholders so that
we can collectively work toward a shared vision for protecting New York. Key among those stakeholders are
county and local governments, which are often the primary interface between New York’s residents and many
government services.
New York State’s Chief Cyber Officer will oversee the implementation of this strategy. I created the position
of Chief Cyber Officer in 2022 to centralize the State’s management of cybersecurity and resilience activities.
Successful implementation will require continued teamwork and coordination across State agencies and
between Federal, state, tribal, and local governments, as well as the private sector.
Our cybersecurity strategy represents a significant step toward better protecting New Yorkers from digital
threats. By taking a unified approach to cybersecurity and resilience throughout New York State, we can defend
against threats and respond more quickly to potential attacks. I want to thank everyone who was consulted and
made contributions to this strategy. I look forward to working together to implement it and create a safer, more
secure New York.
Governor Kathy Hochul
2 | Introduction
The safe and secure functioning of our economy, critical infrastructure, and government services depends on
our ability to protect digital infrastructure and sensitive information. However, as global cyberattacks increase
in both frequency and sophistication, fueled in part by the professionalization of the global cybercrime
industry, we must raise the bar for what is necessary to successfully defend systems and networks.
The New York Cybersecurity Strategy sets forth an approach to cybersecurity and resilience based on the
principles of unification, resilience, and preparedness. By bringing together the capabilities, resources, and
insights of disparate stakeholders into a unified statewide approach, New York is better able to reduce the
ability of malicious cyber actors to hold New York residents, businesses, and infrastructure at risk.
This strategy outlines Governor Hochul’s plan for ensuring that New Yorkers continue to reap the benefits of
the digital age while remaining protected from digital threats.
This strategy is organized into the following sections:
1. A Convergence of Cyber Threats
2. New York’s Approach: Unification, Resilience, and Preparedness
3. Critical Stakeholders
4. Strategic Pillars: Operate, Collaborate, Regulate, Communicate, and Grow
A Convergence of
Cyber Threats
A Convergence of Cyber Threats | 3
Cyber Criminals
The Federal Bureau of Investigation estimated that more than 25,000 New Yorkers were the victims of
cybercrimes totaling $777 million in losses in 2022, making New York third in the nation in total victim losses
by state.1
In recent years, the technical sophistication and organizational maturity of cyber criminals has
increased as cyber criminals have become better resourced and organized.
This maturity is most evident in the continued evolution of ransomware attacks. Ransomware attacks occur
when a criminal encrypts a victim’s files, systems, or networks and threatens to keep them locked until the
victim pays a ransom. Cyber criminals have evolved from executing attacks as individuals to selling specialized
expertise and capabilities to other criminals, allowing well-organized criminal organizations to buy scalable
ransomware services in the same way legitimate businesses purchase information technology services. Today,
ransomware attacks increasingly consist of double extortions where criminals seek payment both for the
decryption of locked data and for refraining from posting sensitive or embarrassing stolen data.
Nation-State Actors
Nation-state actors—foreign intelligence and military services as well as nation-state-affiliated criminals—also
threaten New York. Nation-state attackers may seek to conduct espionage, steal sensitive intellectual property,
or disrupt critical infrastructure in a time of crisis or to inflict economic and societal damage on the United
States. The U.S. has determined that both China and Russia pose significant cyber threats to the United States,
stating in 2023 that China “almost certainly would consider undertaking aggressive cyber operations...that
could disrupt critical infrastructure services within the United States, including against oil and gas pipelines,
and rail systems.”2
New Yorkers face a wide array of malicious cyber activities, including exposure to ransomware and extortion
attacks, state-sponsored and industrial espionage, intellectual property theft, and denial of service attacks.
These attacks range from nuisances that temporarily slow websites to the disruption of vital services like
Cyber threats are marked by a convergence of criminal and nation-state actors. Nation-states increasingly rely
on cyber criminals to execute state actions. Those criminals, in turn, continue to perpetrate crimes, aided by
additional resources and technical capabilities. This blending of criminal and nation-state malicious activity has
increased the magnitude and complexity of cyber threats.
1. Federal Bureau of Investigation, Internet Crime Report 2022, March 2022.
2. Office of the Director of National Intelligence, Annual Threat Assessment of the U.S. Intelligence Community, February 6, 2023.
4 | A Convergence of Cyber Threats
Russia demonstrated its ability to compromise critical infrastructure in February 2022 when it conducted
a series of disruptive cyberattacks against government systems and networks in advance of its invasion
of Ukraine. Russia also temporarily degraded a privately owned satellite communications system used for
Ukrainian military and government communications. Since then, Russian government-backed attackers have
continued to target Ukrainian military and civilian infrastructure with destructive malware, some of which has
extended to other countries allied with the U.S. The U.S. Intelligence Community has determined that Russia
is “focused on improving its ability to target critical the United States, as well as in allied and
partner countries.” 3
3. Office of the Director of National Intelligence, Annual Threat Assessment of the U.S. Intelligence Community, February 6, 2023.
New York’s Approach:
Unification, Resilience,
and Preparedness
New York’s Approach: Unification, Resilience, and Preparedness | 5
This strategy seeks to ensure all New Yorkers are better protected from digital threats by making New York more:
• Unified, by working to increase access to cybersecurity information, tools, and services so that the
State’s most sophisticated defenses are available to its least-resourced entities.
• Resilient, by moving to expand the scope of cybersecurity regulations, requirements, and
recommendations so that New York’s critical infrastructure is better protected.
• Prepared, by providing advice and guidance to ensure New Yorkers are empowered to take charge of
their own cybersecurity.
These measures will help to level the cybersecurity playing field and ensure New York’s defense is greater
than the sum of its parts.
This strategy also acknowledges that cybersecurity and resilience are collective public, private, and individual
responsibilities. Breaches that span thousands of devices and multiple networks often come down to a single
opened email or file. Every New Yorker has a role to play in cybersecurity, from an employee at a State agency
to a resident seeking to access government services via the Internet.
Critical Stakeholders
New York State has a complex ecosystem of public, private, and non-profit organizations that each play a
significant role in cybersecurity awareness, preparedness, response, and mitigation. This strategy depends on
the actions of each stakeholder and their contribution to New York’s defense and resilience.
Principal cybersecurity stakeholders include:
• New York State Chief Cyber Officer: The Chief Cyber Officer reports to the Director of State
Operations and Infrastructure and is the principal advisor to the Governor for reducing cyber risk,
managing significant cyber incidents, and increasing cybersecurity and resilience in New York State.
• New York State Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services (DHSES): DHSES provides
leadership, coordination, and support to prevent, protect against, prepare for, respond to, recover
from, and mitigate disasters and other emergencies. DHSES is responsible for working with Federal,
state, local, and private entities to protect the State’s critical infrastructure from cyber threats and
vulnerabilities and to coordinate and facilitate information sharing and intelligence amongst these
entities to assist in the early detection of, and response to, natural and man-made disasters.
• New York State Office of Information Technology Services (ITS): ITS operates State networks
on behalf of many executive agencies. The ITS Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) provides
cybersecurity support and assistance to agencies, conducts around-the-clock cybersecurity monitoring
6 | New York’s Approach: Unification, Resilience, and Preparedness
and operations, manages an incident response team, and promulgates policies, standards, and
programs relating to cybersecurity and resilience
• New York State Police (NYSP): NYSP operates the New York State Intelligence Center (NYSIC), a multiagency, all-crimes fusion center that identifies, prevents, and protects New York against threats. The
NYSIC Cyber Analysis Unit (CAU), provides cyber threat intelligence, outreach, analysis, and support.
NYSP also operates the Computer Crime Unit (CCU), which provides outreach and education to
community groups, training to law enforcement agencies, and administers the Internet Crimes Against
Children Task Force (ICAC), which identifies, investigates, and prosecutes individuals who use the
internet and technology to exploit children.
• New York State Division of Military and Naval Affairs (DMNA): DMNA is the State’s executive agency
responsible for managing New York’s Military Forces, including its Cyber Protection Team (CPT). The
CPT is jointly staffed and managed by the New York and New Jersey National Guard in support of State
and Federal missions. DMNA also provides full-time State Active Duty Service Members to augment
and coordinate training, security assessments, and incident responses for government agencies and
critical infrastructure.
• New York State regulatory agencies: Regulatory agencies are responsible for ensuring critical
infrastructure owners and operators meet minimum statewide requirements for safety, security, and
• County and local governments: County and local governments are responsible for the cybersecurity
and resilience of their own information technology environments. They partner with the State, industry,
non-profits, and other local governments to share threat information and best practices. They can
expect the State to collaborate with them to disrupt malicious cyber actors, provide grant funding to
modernize their information technology environments, and, when requested or directed, provide cyber
• Critical infrastructure owners and operators: Critical infrastructure operators manage their own
systems and networks and are responsible for their own cybersecurity and resilience. They can expect
the State to collaborate with them to disrupt malicious cyber actors, regulate them to ensure the security
of critical services New Yorkers rely on, and, when requested or directed, provide cyber support.
• Public schools, colleges, and universities: New York’s interconnected system of educational services
range from K-12 to colleges and universities. They are presided over by the Board of Regents,
comprised of members elected by the State Legislature. Schools and educational institutions can
expect the State to provide advice and guidance about cybersecurity and resilience best practices and,
when requested or directed, provide cyber support.
• New York businesses: Businesses in New York manage their own systems and networks and are
responsible for their own cybersecurity and resilience. They can expect the State to share information
with them to disrupt malicious cyber actors, regulate them to ensure the privacy of New Yorkers, and
provide advice and guidance about cybersecurity and resilience best practices.
• New York residents and visitors: New Yorkers, and visitors to New York, own and operate their own
devices and are responsible for their own cybersecurity and resilience. They can expect the State to
provide them with advice and guidance about how to reduce the risk from malicious cyber actors and
how to react in the event public services are severely disrupted.
The State also maintains a close partnership with neighboring states and the Federal Government for
cyber threat information sharing, incident response coordination, and combined planning.
Strategic Pillars: Operate,
Collaborate, Regulate,
Communicate, and Grow
Strategic Pillars: Operate, Collaborate, Regulate, Communicate, and Grow | 7
This strategy is composed of five mutually reinforcing strategic pillars.
The pillars are:
1. Operate State Government networks securely and resiliently.
2. Collaborate with key stakeholders.
3. Regulate critical industries.
4. Communicate cybersecurity advice and guidance.
5. Grow New York’s cybersecurity workforce and economy.
Pillar 1: Operate State Government Networks Securely and Resiliently
New York State Government systems and networks must be secure and resilient while delivering services and
functioning efficiently. The State is continuously working to consolidate and update its information technology
infrastructure, operations, and policies. The State will continue these efforts with a renewed focus on updating
and expanding its defensive capabilities, modernizing the State’s network architecture in accordance with zero
trust best practices, and preparing to address the threats to encryption posed by quantum computing.
Enhance the New York Security Operations Center
The New York Security Operations Center (NY SOC) is a state-of-the-art hub for collecting data from State
agencies and other participating partners, operating statewide security monitoring tools and investigating
suspicious activity.
In recent years, the State has made substantial investments in NY SOC capability and capacity to allow the NY
SOC to update its technical cybersecurity tools, hire more technical specialists, and improve facilities. Going
forward, the State will focus on exercising and operating the NY SOC, investing in new cybersecurity tools as
necessary, further integrating the NY SOC into the overall State incident response process, and enhancing and
adding NY SOC facilities. Adding more sites will not only ensure continuity of operations in an emergency, but
will also allow the State to expand its potential talent pool.
Assess and Track Risk at State Agencies
The State evaluates cybersecurity risk across its systems and networks using a variety of tools and processes.
The State will enhance these existing assessment efforts to evaluate and mitigate risk to State agencies and to
offer risk assessment tools to non-executive entities. This process will allow the State to appropriately prioritize
new investments in capabilities, operations, or other components of agency cybersecurity programs.
8 | Strategic Pillars: Operate, Collaborate, Regulate, Communicate, and Grow
Assessing cybersecurity risk at State agencies that control operational technology (OT) is of particular
importance in ensuring the cybersecurity and resilience of critical infrastructure. OT systems manage and
control physical processes, meaning that cyberattacks that impact OT functionality can have immediate and
tangible physical impacts, including operational disruptions, equipment malfunctions, and even physical
damage. The State will continue to assess cybersecurity risks at agencies that operate OT to prioritize areas
for future investment.
Modernize State Networks According to Zero Trust Principles
The State is continuously updating its networks and systems to improve resilience, reliability, and security
based on the principles of zero trust. The foundational tenet of the zero trust approach is that no user, system,
network, or service operating outside or within the network is inherently trusted; anything attempting to
establish access must be verified on a periodic or continuous basis to establish or maintain access to data,
systems, networks, or services.
The State’s implementation of zero trust builds upon its core competencies in endpoint security, identity
management, and application and service delivery.
The State will continue to press forward with its modernization efforts, including by enhancing its existing
capabilities in order to continuously manage assets and enhance network segmentation.
A major focus for future zero trust implementation will be updating legacy software, hardware, and operational
paradigms with new systems that offer better performance and security. When it is appropriate to do so, the
State will accelerate efforts to replace legacy systems throughout its digital footprint.
Issue Updated Cybersecurity Policies
The New York State Technology Law empowers ITS to establish policies, standards, programs, and services
relating to the security of State government networks. All State agencies are required to adhere to these
statewide technology policies and standards, and these documents are made publicly available as a
resource for local governments and other entities to use as templates or references for their own information
technology and cybersecurity and resilience programs.
ITS will continue to review and, where necessary, update its existing policies to ensure they keep pace with
changes to the threat environment and the state-of-the-art for cybersecurity and resilience technologies.
Pillar 2: Collaborate with Key Stakeholders
The State will collaborate with key stakeholders, including city, county, tribal, and local governments, private
sector partners, and non-profit organizations, to increase cybersecurity and resilience across New York.
Provide Cybersecurity Services to County and Local Governments
The resources and expertise required to defend against cyber criminals and nation-states have evolved along
with the sophistication of attacks. These greater demands pose a particular challenge for local governments,
which may be unable to obtain leading-edge cybersecurity products and hire dedicated cybersecurity
The State has taken steps to augment the cybersecurity of county and local governments in order to raise
New York’s overall cybersecurity posture. The DHSES Cyber Incident Response Team (CIRT) supports local
governments, non-executive agencies, and public authorities by providing free cyber incident response and
Strategic Pillars: Operate, Collaborate, Regulate, Communicate, and Grow | 9
proactive cybersecurity services, including cybersecurity risk assessments, phishing programs, tabletop
exercises, and cyber capability workshops.
Last year, the State initiated a new program to provide shared cybersecurity tools and services to county and
local governments. The Shared Services Program is designed to offer county and local governments with
differing levels of technological maturity potential access to the same high-value tools.
The first service offered via the Shared Services Program is an endpoint detection and response (EDR)
capability. EDR solutions detect suspicious behavior on devices (e.g., desktops, laptops, servers) connected to
a network. Data from the EDR solution is automatically shared with the NY SOC, creating, for the first time, a
way for the State to incorporate malicious cyber activity targeting county and local governments into its overall
statewide threat picture.
Moving forward, the State will endeavor to expand the availability of the EDR service and continue to refine
the Shared Services Program operating model. The State will also work to make additional cybersecurity tools
available to county and local governments, as appropriate.
Build a Statewide Picture of Cyber Threats
The State builds its situational awareness of statewide cyber threat activity in three ways: by monitoring State
systems and networks, by monitoring alerts from county and local government networks provided via the
State’s Shared Services Program, and by processing reports submitted from external entities to State agencies
about malicious cyber incidents. The State uses this information to create a comprehensive statewide threat
picture that benefits all New Yorkers through the generation of threat reports that are disseminated to
The Shared Services Program is a key contributor to the statewide threat picture. By voluntarily sharing their
threat-related data, participating county and local governments afford the State the opportunity to identify
and correlate malicious cyber activity across multiple independent information technology environments. This
information also feeds threat reporting that is distributed to a wider audience.
The State disseminates actionable information derived from all its data sources via the NYSIC and the Joint
Security Operations Center (JSOC).
The NYSIC is a multi-agency fusion center that leverages its investigative and analytic resources and subject
matter expertise to disseminate finished cyber threat reporting statewide. The NYSIC was established
to collect, analyze, and disseminate intelligence related to criminal and terrorist activities, including in
cyberspace, and to enhance information sharing and collaboration among Federal, state, local, and tribal law
enforcement agencies, as well as private sector partners.
The JSOC was formed in 2022 in partnership with the cities of Albany, Buffalo, New York City, Rochester,
Syracuse, and Yonkers to facilitate the exchange of information and analytical collaboration among
Going forward, the State will continue to refine the processes and procedures employed by the JSOC to
share threat information, facilitate analytical exchanges, and enhance operational collaboration amongst its
10 | Strategic Pillars: Operate, Collaborate, Regulate, Communicate, and Grow
Conduct Outreach to Strategically Important Companies & Institutions
New York is home to many companies and research institutions working at the leading edge of strategically
important industries, including semiconductor manufacturing, biotechnology, aerospace, and cybersecurity.
These industries are priority targets for foreign intelligence services seeking to obtain products and
technologies for strategic and commercial advantage, including via cyber espionage. Earlier this year, the
U.S. Intelligence Community determined that “China will persist with efforts to acquire foreign science
and technology information and expertise, making extensive use of...cyber theft to acquire and transfer
technologies and technical knowledge.” 4
The State will continue to work with partners in the Federal Government to raise awareness about the risk of
cyber espionage, intellectual property theft, and threats to companies and institutions in New York. In addition
to educating companies about how to identify and mitigate cyber and counterintelligence risks, the State will
continue its outreach to businesses to facilitate the rapid reporting of any suspicious activity.
Provide and Administer Grants
The State provides grants to county and local government entities for information technology modernization
and cybersecurity purposes, including via the DHSES Homeland Security Preparedness Programs and NYS
Department of State’s Local Government Efficiency (LGE) grant program.
The State also leverages Federal grant funding to enhance cybersecurity statewide. In 2021, the U.S. Congress
passed the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), which included a provision establishing the State
and Local Cybersecurity Grant Program (SLCGP) to help state, local, and territorial governments address
cybersecurity risks and threats to their information systems. The State will continue to leverage this and other
related Federal grants in order to assist local government entities in managing and reducing cyber risk.
Pillar 3: Regulate Critical Industries
New Yorkers need to know that the critical infrastructure they rely on is secure from disruption by cyberattack.
Regulations ensure that infrastructure owners and operators are meeting, or exceeding, the minimum level
of security necessary to protect the vital services they deliver. The process of developing regulations and
policies that may affect the security of critical infrastructure will continue to be informed by existing Federal
cybersecurity frameworks, as applicable.
Financial Sector
In 2017, the New York State Department of Financial Services (DFS) became the first banking or insurance
regulator in the nation to establish a cybersecurity division to protect consumers and industries from cyber
threats. DFS also created first-in-the-nation requirements for DFS-regulated banks, insurance companies,
virtual currency companies, and other financial services institutions. The State will continue to build on the
success of these cybersecurity regulations through amendments to ensure they keep pace with new threats
and technologies, as applicable.
Energy Sector
In 2022, the Governor signed legislation creating strongest-in-the-nation cybersecurity protections for
New York’s energy grid by requiring electric distribution utilities to prepare for cyberattacks in their annual
emergency response plans by providing the New York Public Service Commission (PSC) with enhanced
4. Office of the Director of National Intelligence, Annual Threat Assessment of the U.S. Intelligence Community, February 6, 2023.
Strategic Pillars: Operate, Collaborate, Regulate, Communicate, and Grow | 11
auditing powers. The State will partner with electric distribution utilities and the U.S. Department of Energy
(DOE) on the implementation of this new law.
Pillar 4: Communicate Cybersecurity Advice and Guidance
Many New Yorkers may not be aware of the cyber threats they are vulnerable to, the actions they could take
to secure their systems and their information, or what to do if they are a victim of a cybercrime. The State
provides information to New York residents and businesses to empower New Yorkers to take charge of their
own cybersecurity and to respond appropriately in a crisis.
Issue Cyber Hygiene Guidance
Low-sophistication attacks can often be prevented by taking simple actions, such as regularly updating
software and operating systems to patch known vulnerabilities, using strong passwords and multi-factor
authentication, and avoiding clicking on unexpected or suspicious links. To help ensure New Yorkers receive
actionable guidance about how to protect themselves online, the State will continue to regularly issue basic
cyber hygiene guidance including via social media.
In addition, the State publishes advice and guidance tailored to focused audiences, such as local governments
and financial institutions. This guidance provides the target audience with an authoritative source for specific
cybersecurity information.
Foster Communities of Practice
Engagement with local governments is critical to advancing statewide cybersecurity. A statewide, unified
approach relies on trusted relationships among State and local leaders. Working across organizational
boundaries towards a single vision means fostering both formal and informal intergovernmental communities
for sharing cybersecurity practices and insights.
The State will continue its efforts to facilitate cyber awareness and preparedness information sharing and
engagements with a range of key stakeholder groups, including local government associations representing
information technology leaders. These engagements serve to facilitate coordination, collaboration, and the
development of statewide cyber skills and capabilities.
Pillar 5: Grow New York’s Cybersecurity Workforce and Economy
The State is working to increase New York’s cybersecurity talent pool both to make New York a preferred
hiring destination for companies and institutions and to ensure that State agencies and other governments
throughout New York can hire and retain the cybersecurity personnel they need.
Expand the Talent Pool for Public and Private Employers
A highly skilled cybersecurity workforce is key to continuing to grow the technology industry in New York, one
of the Governor’s primary economic goals, as well as ensuring that New York businesses and governments
can hire the people they need to secure themselves from cyber threats.
The State is continuing to invest in the State University of New York (SUNY) to ensure that New York is a center
for cybersecurity talent and a draw for businesses and public institutions alike. The State is making significant
investments in expanding several SUNY institutions into hubs for high-technology research and centers for
Federal research funding, including by building lab facilities and deepening partnerships with relevant private
sector partners.
12 | Strategic Pillars: Operate, Collaborate, Regulate, Communicate, and Grow
In addition, the State is providing extra resources to school districts, boards of cooperative educational
services (BOCES), and community colleges to develop strategic plans that better align high school and college
academic offerings with the workforce requirements of New York employers, including technology and
cybersecurity firms.
At the high school level, the State is expanding programs, such as the New York State Pathways in Technology
Program, that create opportunities for high school students to gain valuable expertise in high-skill jobs,
including technology. The State is partnering with educational organizations to create cybersecurity curriculum
materials for use at K-12 and higher education institutions.
Minimize Barriers for Hiring and Retaining State Talent
The Governor’s budget for FY2024 includes landmark funding for New York’s civil service system that will
make it easier to hire, and retain, skilled technical talent. These changes include a continuous recruitment
initiative to allow agencies to accept applications continuously for a variety of titles, add to the pool of
qualified candidates at more regular intervals, and offer recruitment exams on an ongoing basis via a hybrid of
online testing and in-person assessments.
The State will continue to leverage fellowship programs, including the Empire State Fellows Program and the
Excelsior Service Fellowship Program, to place recent graduates and experienced professionals in technologyfocused positions. These programs provide an additional pipeline for candidates from backgrounds that are
historically underrepresented in the technology industry.
The State is also working to increase its talent pool by offering greater geographic flexibility to its employees
by opening new office locations for information technology workers. These additional locations will provide
these personnel with the flexibility to live and work throughout New York.
Finally, the State is committed to balancing the business needs of agencies with the flexibility needed by
employees by permitting telecommuting where possible. As part of this effort to add workplace flexibility,
the State is modernizing State office spaces and adopting new technology that accommodates the needs of
telecommuters while improving agency operations.
Conclusion | 13
New York’s first ever statewide cybersecurity strategy provides a framework for unifying the cybersecurity
and resilience activities of stakeholders as part of a cohesive approach to driving down cyber risk across
the State.
This strategy provides a framework to unify the State’s capabilities, resources, and policies to ensure that
New York is better protected from the increasingly sophisticated and impactful cyberattacks that threaten
our economic security and public safety.
This strategy also prioritizes cybersecurity education and workforce development to ensure that New
Yorkers of all backgrounds can contribute to the critical mission of cyber defense. Building an equitable
talent pipeline to both the public and private sectors is a requirement for successfully defending New York’s
digital terrain.