Ucar victim of a cyberattack

The vehicle rental company reveals that it was the victim of a computer attack at the start of the year. Thanks to a data backup, the activity was not affected.
Ucar victim of a cyberattack | Photo credits: UCAR Group
They are multiplying at high speed. Cyber ​​attacks affect all companies, regardless of their size and industry. The vehicle rental company Ucar revealed on Wednesday January 20 that it had been the target of ransomware earlier this year. The hackers found a gateway into its servers and rushed into it. " The full analysis of the attack, its depth and the associated issues, is still ongoing, " said Nicolas Martin, secretary general of Ular. The company has surrounded itself with professionals from a risk management consulting firm specializing in the fields of IT and cyber, and a forensic expert firm to help it shed light on the nature and quantity of data hacked. " Starting from a data backup, the activity was able to restart, ”explains Nicolas Martin. The agencies served clients without interruption of service. " The web services remained operational as well as the business software ", adds the secretary general of Ucar, specifying that he will keep the market informed of the progress of the investigations.

Permanent uncertainty
On the stock market, the news did not affect the title, which lists 9.90 euros. Over one year, it bends by 31%. Like many, Ucar has been penalized by the health crisis, but less than the major international rental companies, which are more present in stations and airports. The permanent uncertainty weighs on leisure and local rentals. “ The activity remains weak and in decline , deplores Nicolas Martin. We are moving towards last minute reservations for the February holidays. »Utility rentals are less impacted than during the first containment of spring, but trends differ depending on whether these vehicles are rented by craftsmen (construction sites have resumed) or individuals or associations. Given the health restrictions, the moves are fewer and more complicated to set up, while the associations or holiday camps simply cancel their outings.