Huber & Suhner victim of cyber attack, production stands still

December 15, 2020 - The industrial company Huber & Suhner from Herisau was the victim of a cyber attack. All of the company's production facilities are currently closed worldwide.
The Herisauer industrial company Huber & Suhner , which components and system solutions designed for connectivity and produced, was made difficult by a cyber attack as "" reported . The company then decoupled all production infrastructure around the world from IT to prevent the software used for the attack from causing further damage.

The investigations into the attack are ongoing, at this point the company does not yet know how long the production downtime will last. You are working with internal and external specialists in order to be able to assess the situation better and you want to provide details at a later point in time.Huber & Suhner has been listed on the Swiss stock exchange since 1995, employs almost 4,500 people worldwide and generated annual sales of 885 million francs in 2018. (win)