Spotify notifies customers of breach, files under CCPA | SC Media
Streaming service Spotify has notified an unspecified number of its customers of a data breach, responding by resetting passwords on the accounts that were attacked.
The company filed the breach under California’s new privacy law, the California Consumer Privacy Act, which went into effect on Jan. 1. While the notice did not specify the precise number of people breached, under the CCPA, a sample copy of a breach notice sent to more than 500 California residents must be provided to the California attorney general.
In a breach notification letter dated Dec. 9 to its customers and filed with the California attorney general, Spotify said the company discovered the vulnerability on its system on November 12, but that the issue existed on its systems since April 9 of this year.
The company filed the breach under California’s new privacy law, the California Consumer Privacy Act, which went into effect on Jan. 1. While the notice did not specify the precise number of people breached, under the CCPA, a sample copy of a breach notice sent to more than 500 California residents must be provided to the California attorney general.
In a breach notification letter dated Dec. 9 to its customers and filed with the California attorney general, Spotify said the company discovered the vulnerability on its system on November 12, but that the issue existed on its systems since April 9 of this year.